Las Vegas Lawyer Providing Will and Trust Services
A will is the vehicle most commonly associated with estate planning. It is also known as a “last will and testament.” It is a legal document created by a person (called the testator/testatrix) in which he or she states his or her wishes for disposition of property owned after death. It may be revoked or amended by the testator at any time.
Within your will, you can name one or more beneficiaries who will receive bequests or gifts that you specify. A guardian is named to care for any minor children who may be left behind. A will is also the place to designate the executor of your estate. The executor manages your estate, its asset collection and distribution, and its dealings with the probate court.
Comprehensive Estate Planning Which Allows You to Plan for the Future
At the Law Offices of David A. Straus, we treat your will as part of your estate plan, enhanced by trusts, tax planning, asset protection planning, and legacy planning. A will alone not only helps you avoid probate, but guarantees it.
Our Las Vegas law firm creates a holistic estate plan for you and all of our clients, offering uncompromising, top-tier service. We build plans that allow:
- You to control your property while you are able
- You and your loved ones to be cared for if you become incapacitated
- You to give what you have to whom you want, the way you want, and when you want when you pass
- And, if possible, you to avoid every last tax dollar, attorney fee, and court cost
What Are Living Wills and Pour-Over Wills?
Living wills and pour-over wills are not the same as a last will and testament document. These are additional documents in an estate plan, which we will discuss with you.
Living wills document your final health care wishes should you become incapacitated and unable to speak or make decisions for yourself. It is not as powerful as a durable power of attorney, but it should always be in a complete estate plan.
Pour-over wills direct assets through probate to a revocable trust, upon the trustmaker’s death, and must be executed during the trustmaker’s lifetime. Your will must include a pour-over statement referring to the pre-existing or concurrently executed trust into which the property will be poured. Any assets not titled in the name of a revocable living trust will be transferred into the trust by the probate process.
A will is integral to your estate plan. Dying without a will allows your property and assets to be distributed according to state succession statutes, which is the court-supervised method used to distribute property owned by a person who has left no will.
Protect your wealth and health, and provide for your beneficiaries in the fullest way possible. Consult our experienced and accomplished Las Vegas will and trust attorney as soon as possible.
Call the Law Offices of David A. Straus to Schedule a Complimentary Initial Consultation
Our attorney has over thirty years of experience as an estate planning lawyer in Nevada and he handles estate plans for a diverse clientele, ranging from middle-income earners to wealthy individuals. Please email us or call 702-474-4500 to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our lawyer.